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Patience- the power to tackle everything

Looking at the pace of life today, we can say everything is instant. Whether you need food, tea, coffee, job, new friend, internet gives you everything with a click. You need food, order it on an online app and it will be delivered within few minutes, you need job then upload your resume on any job portal and you'll receive number of offers within some days, you need a friend then make an id on any social app and send request and you have new friends.

We are literally living in the era of super technological advancement. And it is wrong to say that nothing is impossible today. You name it and have it. Internet has made everything available at your doorstep.

And the reason that I have listed these things is to relate it to patience. Just think of anything and see what are the things that you can wait for? Would you be patient for the food ordered 20 mins ago to be delivered 30 mins later, would you be patient to see results of your efforts, would you try to understand your online friend's perspective who seems to have a totally different opinion from you? 

The answer in majority of cases is no. We lack patience in this fast moving world. The virtual world has changed the scenario. How many of you patiently tried to understand your parents, your friends, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your spouse, your junior, your senior? We all want everything quickly. We all are in hurry. Patience teaches you self-control. When you are patient, you don't complain or lash out, rather you are able see a bigger picture of any situation.

I am not saying that you must tolerate toxic relationships or wait too long. I am just trying to convey that we tend to get rid of or change the things quickly if it doesn't go as we expected. We tend to rush for things. Be quick is a new normal in today's time. Being patient in relationships is not transactional, that is, you can't expect it from others. However, it will better your understanding in  relationships.  

Moreover, impatience gives rise to other problems such as comparison with others, overthinking, negative thoughts, false assumptions, frustration that further impact our behavior and we tend to get lost in negative zone. Our belief system, way of thinking just shifts so quickly and we don't even try to evaluate or give it a second thought. Patience on the other hand teaches us to wait without getting annoyed or frustrated. When you become patient, you throw instant gratification out of room. And you believe that anything worth having is worth waiting for✌✌

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