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We all want recognition

Well, I don't know whether it is true for everyone or not but I have experienced that people want recognition. And we want recognition from people we love, we broke up with, family members, employers or someone we want to connect with. And its pretty normal because every human wants attention. From the very beginning, in the childhood, one can notice a child wants attention of his family members, his friends or any person he likes. He want others to praise him for his dancing skills, appreciate him for his academic performance. And it continues for lifetime. His mind gets conditioned.

You may deny it and say no I don't want anyone's attention or love? But when you would give a thought without any judgement, you will discover that you too want it. Who doesn't want to be loved and appreciated? And a person crave for attention a lot when he/she says that I want to live alone, somewhere far away from this world. It doesn't mean people don't want solitude or they cannot live without anyone for their happiness. It means that people don't get what they expected from others, they tend to believe that no one can understand them. They are unaware of their thoughts and they just react to everything. Hence, they say these kind of things to themselves. 

If you have ever been in a relationship with someone, you must have experienced it. People crave for it after breakup. Personally I would say I have experienced the same. I didn't had courage to accept that my girlfriend doesn't want to be with me. The only thing I wanted to do was to make her realize that she had done a mistake and somehow I wanted to grab her attention. But later on, when I became aware of this fact, I realized that I was so emotionally weak for a long time. I had my own issues to deal with. Not just it affects you personally, it has drastic effect on other aspects of life. Statistics show that there are number of employees who resign from their jobs every year due to lack of recognition.

One must have courage to be disliked. This is also the title of  a book which has described about the concept of recognition very well. There are times when you will be most disappointed or hurt by a person who you loved the most or whom you expect to understand you.

Everyone wants to be accepted as he/she is. But we all expect others to understand us and in process of doing so, we forget that other person could have different opinion. It is part and parcel of life. One's tongue is bitten by own tooth.

A flower in forest still blooms even if no one knows its fragrance or appreciates it. 

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