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Healing Journey- It takes time


So today I'm gonna talk about my personal experiences that I have been noticing since I am in course of changing my inner self. Its not like that it has some particular date when it would come to end. Its about re-discovering yourself again and again. I have realized a lot of things about me. 

Patience- You got to have patience. Things won't change overnight. It takes pretty much time to let go of past because it was so intense and there are so many memories attached to it. Your mind would definitely revisit past memories. Give yourself as much time as you require to come out of your past. Don't rush for change. If you are determined then you'll feel that things are changing gradually. Just keep going. Remember that past is past. Its over. Don't wait for someone else to step into your life and make you feel better. Take 100% responsibility of your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Thoughts and triggers gonna strike again and again which is very normal. Your realization that you want to change is leap in this journey.

Confusion- Sometimes I feel confused that do I really need to change this habit? I feel stuck in thoughts and it becomes so frustrating because it feels like nothing seems to work out. One thought after other. It just gets more worse because at that time I was not able to separate my thoughts from feelings. Whatever I was thinking, I was feeling it. 
And deep breathing can help a lot. Just start taking 3 deep breaths. Let thoughts come. You'll see that in just 7-8 minutes, everything starts to settle down. 

Inculcate new habits- Affirmations play a key role when it comes to bring a shift in your mindset. The reason why I keep on affirming is because I know that there patterns are stored in my subconscious mind. We think, behave and react in a pattern. All emotions, memories, feelings, fears are stored in our subconscious mind. I have experienced it and now that I know this, I try to keep myself active through conscious living and affirming good. I start my day with gratitude and affirmation. I do feel lonely, angry and frustrated at times but its much different from before. Thoughts come and go. I try to separate thoughts and feelings by not reacting to thoughts.

Trust the Universe- Now that you are affirming and taking conscious actions to improve your mindset. You need to believe that everything happens for you no to you. When you surrender yourself to universe, magic begins in your life. Surrendering means that you are not questioning anything, you are accepting life as it is. Try to change the lens through which you see the world. Feel relaxed and embrace life. Have faith in universe as it is constantly looking after you and doing everything for you. The universe has its own way of making you wise. 

Always remember that thoughts can just be thoughts if you let them be. Sometimes you'll feel entangled in your head. At that time, just notice one thought after other or try to note everything down to bring the clarity. Trust me, once you are focused on yourself, your life would take a leap. Don't rush to see the change, its a process and all you need is to be consistent and believe in yourself.

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