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Self-lust and Self-love


Now this is one of the most intriguing topic. In case the term self-lust is hurting anyone's religious sentiments, consider it Self-desire. How would a person if his partner loves him but doesn't desire him sexually or he is sexually desired but not loved? Of course, in both the conditions everyone would feel offended. I believe everyone wants to be loved deeply and sexually desired as well. 

Since, the most important and longing relationship you have is with yourself, both of these components needed to be taken care of. When it comes to self-lust, there is no absolute doubt that its a part of self-love. Self-love teaches us to be compassionate, sweet, accepting towards ourselves. When it seems that there is no one with us, Self-love says, "I am still here for you and I won't leave you ever." And acceptance means that you accept and admire yourself  physically as well. Self-lust is a part of Self- love that means feeling and owning your own sex appeal; believing that how uniquely attractive you are and worth of sexual desire. 

The idea behind self-lust is simply to recognize and appreciate your unique sexual magnetism and worthiness. Its quite important to cultivate self-lust because it would be very hard to accept and feel the desire that someone else feels towards you, if you do not feel that way towards yourself. You'll be suspicious about it and doubt your sexual worthiness, and may even end up pushing your partner away and be with someone who confirms your belief that you are not sexy. Its not about your outlook at all. All these years that you have spent comparing your body curves with someone who looks more physically charming than you, you have been repeating this story in your head that there has to be particular body shape that looks appealing to others. However, the truth is far away from this definition. 

Every body in this universe is worthy of Sexual desire. Its about looking yourself in the mirror and saying that" I would totally have sex with me". It opens channels of self-confidence and aliveness. Its about being comfortable with your own skin. Even if you are not interested to have sex, it is important for you to get in touch with your sexual magnetism and sexual energy because sex is human's deepest and most primal form of self-exploration and self-expression. If you'll learn to appreciate your sex appeal , you would be able to freely acknowledge the unique beauty of people around you. It broadens your mindset and enhances positivity because now you don't compare yourself with others, now you know its not about size of the body, its about your perception. The more you give it to yourself, the more you would be able to share it. 

People may still impose and justify made-up standards of what body size, color and muscle are desirable , but remember, there is no wrong way to have a body. Sexual attraction is more than just physical. Beauty comes from within. The freer and more open you are to express all of yourself, the more magnetically attractive you become. A person who is free, flowing, full of emotion exuding(release) all worldly beliefs about sexual desire, would definitely turn heads, no matter what his/her dress size is.   

It takes time to discard your old beliefs in this context, because anything that you have been believing since so long won't go easily or without disturbing you greatly. Affirm that " I have extremely attractive and sensuous body." Stand naked in front of the mirror and appreciate each part of your body. Express your love towards your body. Embrace your body. Believe that you are worthy of sexual desire because Universe is abundant, and you are part of it and there is no lack to it.   

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