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Money matters in life, but how much? Is there any specific value?

As far as my opinion is concerned, there is absolutely no doubt that money plays a significant role in human life. It cannot buy happiness, love, good sleep, peace, it is are easily said when you have abundant of money. In case you are struggling to make to ends meet and giving this statement, then you are just satisfying yourself mentally. You don’t want to earn, its okay, but criticizing money is neither good at all.

See your lifestyle, from dawn to dusk you work your ass off for money.  

How much money is important in life?

  • Money decides your comfort level of life
  •  your child’s education
  • Quality of food you eat 
  • ensures your health care 

and so much more. Remember that it is with money when your relatives would be interested in you. Every relation in your life is linked to money in one or another way. Yes, it can buy every material thing, and still you can feel void inside. But that happens when you have enough money. At least, you must be able to afford basic necessities of life. Money is not bad, however, greed is bad. When you are able to fulfill every need of your family, have improved your standard of living, and money is flowing in like anything, you are well settled and there are no money problems anymore, then you must contribute to society. Its your moral responsibility. Greed knows no boundaries. Money is the thing that will make you realize its importance at every stage in life. From your childhood till your old age. Its a fact.

Money is evil

And its never like you can not achieve peace of mind while minting money, its definitely possible even when you are earning money. It depends on your habits, routine that you follow. People say money is root cause of evil. Why? The basic difference between people having no shelter upon them and you is money. Of course, you must help others who need it at times. A person becomes egoistic after becoming rich. Its presents his character. It definitely never means that money is evil. However, in process of earning money you must understand your moral responsibility towards the nature, the environment you live in. You cannot earn money at cost of degrading Mother Nature. The whole worlds has to bear the consequences in that case. 

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