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Why do relationships get boring?

Its the most common thing that happens in every relationship. It gets bored. In the initial stages, there is passionate love, both partners explore each other more. They want to be together for long periods and trust each other to a great extent. They feel great being together as they feel valued. Love seems to be in the air all the time in early days. And its perfectly normal to feel bored after a certain period. It feels kind of stagnation in the relation. You don't fight quite often, you understand each other very well and there is nothing wrong, but even still it feels incomplete. There are possible reasons to this:

  • Different interests- It might be possible that both of you have different goals in life which can be challenging as you both prioritize different aspects. One may be interested in building career, wealth and improving standard of living, whereas other might be more into building family, having kids, spending time with friends. People do feel bored and end up separating with each other because of difference in priorities.

  • No more efforts- You might feel that your partner has stopped putting efforts to maintain the relationship. You might feel unheard and unloved as compared to early days. Its like you bought something and were quite excited in the beginning, and now you don't value that thing as you tend to before you own it. There are no meaningful conversations now, its just going monotonous. You feel like you are taken for granted. 

  • Lack of Intimacy- Gone are the days when you feel aroused with the touch of your partner. Sex used to turn you on and feel wanted. But its all gone now. No more arousals or new techniques are used to ignite you. It lacks excitement and fun. Both partners sometimes feel like eating the same food everyday.

  • Lack of communication- This is by far the most underrated reason when it comes to maintaining a relationship. Communication plays pivot role in maintaining and saving relationships. Some misunderstanding, lack of patience, frequent quarrels makes you assume that you never knew this person who was once was sweetheart. Your experience make you feel that you can no longer communicate with your partner as he/she's gonna judge you, and then you choose to suffer in silence.

  • Change in behavior- Behavior is subject to change. No matter how much understanding your partner, there are times when you feel change. It could be because of number of reasons such as work pressure, financial problem, family issues, or anything. A person's behavior changes at times, though one must avoid being violent as there is no excuse to that. People get triggered and we feel as if we don't know them at all, however the reason of this could be trauma or anxiety.

    Though these feelings are pretty much normal, but it gets hard to cope with, if we don't pay any heed to it on time. There are ways to get the things back on track:

  • Compassionate love- The fact is that passionate love feels great and it tends to decline after a period of 12 to 18 months. However, its not mandatory that you must fee bored after certain time. Compassionate love is more intimate and profound as it is marked by commitment, love and affection. You tend to overlook the shortcomings of your partner. You accept that boring is a part of relationship and however, you put efforts to reduce its intensity.  

  • Do something new- In this digital world, try to do something different for your partner to make him/her realize that how much they mean to you. Write a love letter, make painting, write a poem, any sketch or anything handmade. If things are not going well then pen down everything you are currently feeling on a piece of paper.

  • Change your thinking- Count on the positive traits of your partner. Its hard to do when you feel agitated or offended, but this will surely make you fall in love with him/her again. Remember you have accepted them and acceptance come with flaws. You have chosen them for yourself.

  • Counsel each other- Now this sounds weird but this is worth trying. Be a counsellor for your partner. Of course you have to have a very neutral mindset for this practice as their bottled up emotions can make you feel hurt. But you'll get to know them on much deeper level and take future decisions. This practice will let you set your expectations from them. Just listen to understand and later on give response.

  • New ways of intimacy- Try something new could be game changer. Physicality is the core of romanticism. Trust me on that. Trying new positions, new products(ones that are safer) to infuse energy and excitement. Its the very fundamental aspect of relationship, the more engaging it will be, the more love would come out as a result.

  • Go outdoors- Going outdoors and spending time together can help in brining down the boredom affect. Go on hiking or to some peaceful place close to the nature. This kind of environment can really have a positive impact on both partners and you would feel easy to express yourself.  

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