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What is emotional suffering? Understand to overcome

Emotional suffering or instability is a condition when you feel uncomfortable or unhappy with yourself. Your mind probably remains confused most of the time. You get into overthinking, and consequently it affects our physical & mental health. From personal experience, I believe that a person gets into dilemma, he's not able to decide what he really wants. Now there are many reasons for this-

  • Consuming too much content- When you consume too much content via social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, books and many others, you tend to believe so many things. There are so many perspectives on common topics such as money, love, success, health and what not. This knowledge contradicts with one another. And sometimes it becomes hard to decide that which one is correct? What path we must follow and who should we believe? You tend to get influence with almost everything and then try to relate yourself with it. I am not a spiritual guru  or coach, but I would suggest that one must not believe everything he see and hear. Choose and follow one path. It takes time if you want to change yourself in any aspect. Be patient and believe that the power is within you.     
  • Self-limiting beliefs- Self-limiting beliefs could be developed at any point of your life. Someone said something bad about your outlook, financial status or family, and you felt immensely hurt. Instead of letting go of it, it gets stored into your sub-conscious mind because you relive that moment repeatedly in your mind. Sometimes as a result these kind of incidents you get into habit of comparing yourself a lot with others and trigger yourself by just thinking about it. Watch your beliefs, forgive them, and maintain boundaries. 
  • Traumas- Family issues, breakups, toxic relationships are hard to deal with. Humans often get into habit of living in their mind. Reliving past moments again and again make things more worse. Letting go is not easy for everyone, there are people who are very sensitive and its not at all their fault if they don't know how to deal with emotions. Its easy said than done. I can totally relate to this. All you need is patience and self-understanding. Don't rush for anything. Trust God, and just remember that you have got power to choose your reaction. Life is much about how you perceive it.   
  • Need for recognition- As humans, we have evolved in groups since our existence. Its foolish to say that we don't need recognition. But the problem starts when you crave for it. At present times, I have observed that people post too much on social media. I am not judging anyone, but people are literally dependent on others for their happiness. It seems like people they constantly seek attention, appreciation from others. Majority of people want to convey their messages through their online posts. I mean why don't people directly convey what's in their mind to concerned person. I have seen some celebrities who seem to be living a very happy life on social media, but suddenly breaking news is that he has committed suicide. People these days are quite into show offs. Post as much as you want, but be authenticate with yourself. Be real. Its better to have loyal friends and talk your heart out with them than seeking constant appreciation from people online.
  • Over-judgmental- Its funny to see other side of social media. Now there are people who judge themselves a lot and scare to post on social media. They judge themselves to a great extent, compare themselves with others and opine that they must have good outlook. Why is there so much of judgement? Its weird to notice that people condition their mind so much. One must take care of health, but its absolutely wrong to feel inferior by comparing with others. Thinking what others would think about you will only lower your confidence and faith in yourself.

  • Decision making- Many a times in lives, I have taken decisions based on my emotions and feelings. And what I learned is that emotions are temporary. You have to take decisions wisely, which means sometimes you have to acknowledge what is genuinely right for you and not just based on your emotions. Of course, you have to go against your feelings sometimes. It may sound odd, but its what life is, you need to change your perception, and look at things from different angle. Going against your emotions doesn't mean you suppress them, its acknowledging them, and making decisions using your intellect. You need to understand that small pleasures of life instigate you, and you have to let go of them. Don't fall for petty things in life and become an emotional fool. 
  • No physical activity- No physical activity will make you unnecessary victim of your thinking. Because the mind never stops. The more you try to avoid negativity, more stronger it gets. Introspection is acknowledging your thoughts which is healthy for your mind, but sitting at couch all the day and thinking about things out of your control would do nothing good to you. Its not compulsory that this would happen, but I have experienced it. Thinking becomes unavoidable at some point. The more you try to control your mind, the harder it gets. Its good have a fixed routine for yourself. 
Note- May be the root cause of your suffering is your thinking. The core function of mind is to keep you alive, and that's why it resists change and unknown. Nothing is good or bad, its your thinking that gives it a meaning. Its okay if you are not clear in your mind that what you want for yourself that makes you feel good, no external source can help you with it. Give yourself time. You always have a choice. You need not to compromise every time. You have got just one Life, learn to love, and live for yourself. Everything is temporary over here. 

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